Click on the image to enlarge it in another window.
These images are detail shots of the massive nuts that are at the junction of the bridge spans. The nuts are at least 12 inches in diameter and when I first noticed them I wondered how big the wrench must have been that was used to tighten them. They are visible at the ends of each bridge span where it connects to the next span. They are down behind the curb; you can also see that the handrail looks different where it goes past them.
These images are single exposures that were first tone mapped in NIK HDR Efex Pro 2 them taken into Color Efex Pro 4 where I used the detail extractor preset to emphasize the texture on the surfaces. I then returned them to Aperture 3 where I adjusted vibrance, contrast and sharpening.

Click on the image to enlarge it in another window.
This image went through the same post processing routine as the one above. These colors are all there it just takes opening your mind and eyes to see them when you are photographing them. I don’t change the colors in my images but I do enhance their luminance when I get them into my digital darkroom.
The next time you are up on the Big Four Bridge take a look at these connectors. If you bring your camera try to remember that there is more to shoot on the Big Four Bridge than sunsets and bridge architecture; look for images in the textures and juxtapositions of surfaces that are all around you.
Wonderful confluence of abstract and reality. Some of the most exciting images are those that no one ever notices – hidden in plain sight!
Thanks Lauren I like to look for these types of surfaces and details to highlight.
Beautiful and dynamic colors and contrasts! The textural elements that you use boldly are then layered with more subtle variations within the forms. These are stunning! Both you and Lauren are right: often the details are compelling in their own right.
Thanks Ellen that is what I enjoyed about processing these images. It was as if each layer of texture was revealing another within itself. It reminds me a lot of how lichen and mosses appear as one thing that upon closer inspection is even more varied than one’s first impression.
Great to see you getting in close for the beauty of the tiny worlds that surround us—even in the man-made realm. Very nice.
Thanks Willa, I like to shoot these things but I don’t often share them with the world.
The colours in these are stunning. Beautiful details, Nick.
Thanks Karen, I really love seeking out these textures and colors; it’s really rewarding to be able to bring out colors that others overlook.
Love the colours and textures in these, fantastic detail. Thanks for the visit to my blog, which brought me here!
I thank you, I enjoyed your photos too.