I was in the Outdoor Photo Gear warehouse this week and saw these Heat 3 Smart Gloves for the first time. They just looked like another pair of mittens until Chris Klapheke started showing me their many ingenious features. The first thing he showed me was the way the mitten opened up to reveal an inner glove that allows maximum dexterity while still providing protection from the elements. The finger cover also incorporates a pocket that covers the fingers and accepts chemical hand warmers. The inner glove has conductive pads on the index finger and thumb that allow use of phones, iPads , etc. The goat leather palm provides a good grip and durability.
As a photographer I could see that these Heat 3 Smart Gloves would be fantastic when shooting in winter. Beyond that they are also adaptable to many other outdoor activities, hiking, motorcycling and hunting come to mind.
Outdoor Photo Gear is also running a 12% off sale until Dec 14 on these gloves and everything else in their warehouse. Use the coupon code GIFT 12 and grab these gloves for yourself or that special someone you want to stay warm and toasty while braving the elements.