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In the HDR image David Figueroa and Billy Baughman are monitoring the progress that David Morse is making on the drilling of this pier. They are close to the final depth and are clearing out the debris in the hole before taking measurements to determine if they are deep enough into the bedrock.

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In this HDR image David Morse is measuring the depth of the drill shaft as his assistant and Oiler, David Figueroa , looks on. David is using a tape measure fitted with a weight, known as a plumb bob, that allows him to probe the bottom of the hole to attain accurate measurements. Once they are satisfied that the depth is correct they will clear the rest of the mud and rocks from the drilled shaft and turn it over to the Ironworkers who will place a caisson in the shaft in preparation for filling it with concrete.
Bothe of these images are three frame bracket sets using -2, 0 and +2 EV exposures which were merged in NIK HDR Efex Pro 2 and finished in Aperture 3.