A few shots from my last trip up on the Tower Four crane. The crane is down now and Marcus has retired to Arizona. It sure was fun to be up there with him and to get a chance to see the world from his vantage point.

A few shots from my last trip up on the Tower Four crane. The crane is down now and Marcus has retired to Arizona. It sure was fun to be up there with him and to get a chance to see the world from his vantage point.
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Why is there no one taking any pictures of the East end projects between Prospect and Utica . They are making Huge progresses and no pictures of any of them or the bridge.
My guess is no one is willing to invest the time and effort it takes to do a large project like that.
Eastend is all part of the project going on downtown it’s all 1 job site just divded into 6 different sections. Section 1 is just the bridge ,Section 2 is Spaghetti junction , Section 3 is the interstate outside Spaghetti junction , Section 4 is the Tunnel in Prospect , Section 5 is the East end Bridge , and Section 6 is Port of Indiana all the way to the Indiana side of the downtown bridge which is back at Section 1.. All 1 huge project but only Section 1 gets any attention.. All played for by the same people..