Today is the Fourth of July, here in the USA we celebrate our birth as a nation on this day and one of our traditions is to shoot off fireworks. I am posting a shot from last year’s Fourth of July celebration here in Louisville at Waterfront Park as my tribute to that great tradition.
I don’t have much to say about this image or for that matter anything else today. I’m discovering how difficult choosing an image and writing about it on a daily basis truly is. I’m assessing what I’ve written over the past couple of months and looking for a common thread that will inspire me to share more images with those of you who take the time to visit my blog.
Last night I thought about how I go about choosing the processing of a given image and how I can better share my knowledge about photography with my readers. I have some ideas that I hope will be received well and will be rolling them out over the next few days. Until then I just want to thank each and every person that has viewed and/or commented on my work.
See you tomorrow…