Today I am sharing the color versions of yesterday’s B&W images. All are from a single frame exposure of the scene that I processed using Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop CS5. In nearly all cases I needed to add fill light and boost the blacks in Adobe Camera Raw. While in Adobe Camera Raw I also made a minor Curves adjustment and then used the HSL adjustments to boost saturation and luminance. I have found that I get good results for the sky by first boosting saturation and then lowering luminance.
After doing most of my work in Adobe Camera Raw I then took the files back into Photoshop CS5 where I used layers to lens correct and sharpen the final image. I am still experimenting with this workflow and may be using it more in the future in lieu of creating HDR versions using the entire three frame bracket sets. I will probably continue shooting for possible HDR though because I like having the option to merge multiple exposures when needed.
Click on any image to open a light box slideshow in a separate window.