Tag: free trial

Topaz B&W Effects 2.1 Released

Topaz Labs announced yesterday that Topaz B&W Effects 2.1 has been released!  This upgrade is free  for all users who have already purchased Topaz B&W Effects. For those who don’t already own Topaz B&W and want to purchase Topaz B&W Effects 2.1 I have included a 15% discount code below.bw

Use the link below to Topaz Labs site where you can download a free 30 day trial.


Save 15% NOW by entering coupon code: “ NEW2TOPAZ ” during checkout.

New features include: 

A Zone System: Allows users to identify various zones in their images as well as observe the changes in zones as exposure and other adjustments are made. This is not an adjustment tool, but a visual aid.


Each number relates to a tonal range (0-3 are shadows, 4-7 are mid-tones and 8-10 are highlights) . The blue color will show where that particular zone is in the photo being edited on the image you are editing.

Borders: Prior versions of B&W Effects only had a choice of 2 borders: Solid Black or Solid White. This version adds many more options.

Tone Quicktools: Similar to the Color Filter buttons, quicktools have been added for Silver and Paper toning for: 1. Selenium, 2. Cyanotype (Gold/Blue), 3. Copper (Red), 4. Sepia and 5. Antique Dye *The 6th, white teardrop refers to No Tone

Apply Button: This feature allows a user to apply changes without having to exit the program. Multiple presets can be applied one on top of another and so forth.

Language SupportB&W v2.1 supports Spanish, French, German, (Brazilian) Portugese, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified and Taiwanese). If your machine has one of these languages set in the region/language settings, the UI will be rendered in that language.

I hope you enjoy the newest release. Feel free to post any feedback in the comment area below. Thanks and enjoy!