Tag: dynamic range

Robyn Again

Carpenter Robyn Keith
Carpenter Robyn Keith

Click on image to enlarge it in another window.

Today I’m sharing the three images that I used to create this HDR image. I merged them in NIK HDR Efex Pro 2 and applied the Balanced preset. After that I returned the image to Aperture 3 for final adjustments.

2 Stops Underexposed
2 Stops Underexposed

Click on image to enlarge it in another window.

Proper Exposure
Proper Exposure

Click on image to enlarge it in another window.

2 Stops Overexposed
2 Stops Overexposed

Click on image to enlarge it in another window.

As you can see each of the three images probably would not have produced such a broad dynamic range. Using HDR processing allows me to take a bracket set such as this and create a powerful and dynamic image.



Big Four Bridge

Big Four Bridge
Big Four Bridge

Click on the image to open a window where it will be enlarged.

This is a single frame edited in Aperture 3. The exposure was within the boundaries of the histogram, with no blown highlights or blocked up shadows, which allowed me to process it in Aperture 3 exclusively and retain the ful dynamic range