Exploring an Abandoned Distillery (Part 3)

Looking Back to Another Time

Click on the image to open it at a larger size in another window.

I can’t stop working with these images. I’m so intrigued by the architecture and the way nature is slowly taking back the place. I keep trying to understand what this place is and why it was allowed to fall into ruin. It is highly unlikely this property will ever be restored and therefore in time nature will completely consume it and the stories it could tell.

The image here is another bracketed set of five exposures that I merged in NIK HDR Efex Pro 2 before applying the Realistic Deep preset. I made some adjustments to the tonality and tone compression sliders and then returned the image to Aperture 3 where I added a vignette, adjusted the saturation and vibrance and finally sharpened the photo.

The composition is a symmetrical composition which I don’t often use but in this case it seemed to be the best choice to capture the scene and convey the mystery and stillness of the place.

4 thoughts on “Exploring an Abandoned Distillery (Part 3)

  1. Nick,
    The photographs in this series are some of the best photographs I have seen with tremendous location, wonderful lighting and detail. They are technically excellent as well!
    Keep up the great work!

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