Click on the image to enlarge it in another window.
Yesterday morning the caisson for the bridge pier, 6R2, was moved into place inside the 12 foot diameter steel casing that will protect the bridge piers from damage once the bridge is finished and the river channel is reopened. The rebar caisson is over 60 feet long and moving it requires excellent coordination between the crane operator and the crew on the ground. The caisson must be precisely placed so that the connections to the next components of the tower can be completed. Not only are there Ironworkers involved but additionally there are Carpenters, Pile Drivers and Surveyors that have specific roles to play when these caissons are positioned. The men in the foreground are surveyors whose role is to make sure that the attachment points are properly aligned by accurately measuring exactly where the caisson is situated in the bore. Once all that is completed the cylinder will be poured full of concrete and the pier will be ready for the next piece to be attached.
This is a three frame bracket set of images shot at -2, 0 and +2 EV. The three images were merged in NIK HDR Efex Pro 2 to create the HDR image. After merging and tonemapping the image was returned to Aperture 3 for final processing.
I don’t believe that every picture tells a story, at least not to me, but this one does.
Thanks Herb. It’s good to hear that my photo tells a story; it’s a facet of my photography that I sometimes wonder about.
Okay, I think I’m squared away now, comment posted on site.
Welcome aboard erb. You have chosen the best way to stay up to date with my posts. I know one of the rules of blogging is that there should be a post a day to keep viewers interested but sometimes I get wrapped up in other aspects of my work and miss posting for short periods. Thanks for joining the list of people who receive notice when new content is added to the site.
What I like about your photography is the depth of color you create so many photographers blow out everything and think it’s needs to be lighter than it should. I’ve been a photographer for over 27 years now and can really appreciate good photography. Your’s is!
Thank you again Heather for your kind comments on my use of color, I especially like your assessment of my photography; I continually seek to improve and refine my work and hearing that from a fellow photographer is really gratifying.